Laying Hold of Tomorrow - 4 Message CD Album
Moses is dead. Now what? To this point, Joshua had lived his life in the shadow of the remarkable personality of Moses. Likewise, you can be dictated to in your...
Regular price $35.00 $35.00
Living Way with Jack Hayford: The Flock of God Pt. 2
One of the challenges facing Christians today is how to remain “pure,” in a culture that, morally speaking, is continually spiraling downward. Discover how to stay securely in God's flock.
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The Divine Call to Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Recognizing the uniqueness of our gender as we each answer the Father's way for us as responsible individuals; living in a world where so much about true humanity is mistaken,...
Regular price $27.99 $27.99
When Kingdom Rules Don't Count Anymore
Addressing the crisis in marital fidelity among Christians and their leaders, Pastor Jack Hayford ministers on the biblical priority of a leader's accountability and faithfulness to his or her marriage....
Regular price $9.99 $9.99
As For Me and My House
From experience, Dolores Hayford (1916-1997) knew that kids love to spend time in God's Word with their parents. Here she shares a fun, workable plan for your family to study...
Winning the Unseen Battle Special Offer
God is looking for people who will penetrate the darkness of every place they set their foot upon, because of the glory of Christ radiating from within them. In this...
Enduring Faith
Faith is at the core of our relationship with God, and the instrument by which the gift of salvation is received. In this five-part series, Pastor Jack Hayford explains how...
Regular price $25.00 $25.00
Living Way with Jack Hayford: The Renewal of Devotional Habit Pt. 3
Some bad habits are difficult to break. So why are the good ones often the first to go? Find out how to keep your devotional life alive and vibrant all...
Living Way with Jack Hayford: The Renewal of Devotional Habit Pt. 2
Living Way with Jack Hayford: The Curse of Christmas
Is there something that threatens to steal your joy this Christmas season? Would you be shocked to hear that these situations potentially had their origins with the father of lies...
Living Way with Jack Hayford: The Influence of Evil Spirits on Believers
The Word of God assures us that the Lord will protect us from evil spirits. Still, many believers think that if you merely talk about them, they'll get you! Pastor...
Living Way with Jack Hayford: Talking to the Dead or Demons Pt. 2
Are those who claim to contact "spirits" of departed loved ones lying? Pastor Jack Hayford believes it's not simply a case of fraud, but rather that there is a likelihood...
Living Way with Jack Hayford: Talking to the Dead or Demons Pt. 1
Living Way with Jack Hayford: The Adversary's Attack on Your Hope
Too many of us lose hope. We believe our circumstances and settle for what little the world has to offer. Pastor Hayford says that this should not be the case...
Living Way with Jack Hayford: The Flock of God
Are we like sheep? The Bible has more than four hundred direct references to “sheep” and “shepherds.” Jack Hayford says that there is likely no other animal that has such...
Living Way with Jack Hayford: The Penalty of Unreadiness
When Jesus returns in triumph, will you be ready? Pastor Jack Hayford explains how to be prepared for Jesus' return and the problems for those not ready.
Living Way with Jack Hayford: Submission
Many are confused about the meaning of the term, "submission." Pastor Jack Hayford explains that this aspect of family life NEVER means domination or subservience.
Regular price $1.99 $1.99
Possessing Your Tomorrow - 7-Message album
Possessing Your Tomorrow This faith building seven-part series focuses on the lessons we can learn for the account of Joshua and God’s people entering the land He promised them. Pastor...
Sale price $40.00 $40.00
The Call to Intercession
Intercession is being made around the world right now, in many cases, by people we wouldn't even think of as knowing the Lord. And all they're saying is, Oh, God!�...
Regular price $20.99 $20.99
How God Values You
God wants us to be fulfilled in His purpose and good intent for our lives. For that reason, Jesus confronts the culture of His time that was becoming increasingly depersonalized...
Regular price $13.99 $13.99