Living Way with Jack Hayford: Will You Be Ready?
The End of and when will believers, "the body of Christ," will meet the Lord in the air. Dr. Hayford reveals the details behind the rapture of the Church.
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Living Way with Jack Hayford: You, Your Lover and Jesus Pt. 2
When you were married, or as you plan to get married, what expectations exist? If you want a happy, fulfilled marriage then you’re wise to see your marriage the way...
Living Way with Jack Hayford: You, Your Lover and Jesus
Marrying the person of your dreams. How high do we set that bar? Too high? Join Dr. Jack Hayford as he helps you put your "perfect" person in the right perspective.
Living Way with Jack Hayford: Sex & the Single Soul Pt. 3
God’s design for our lives includes sexual purity—whether single or married. What does that really mean and how is sexual purity relevant today?
Living Way with Jack Hayford: Sex & the Single Soul Pt. 1
What is sexual purity and does it really matter today? Dr. Jack Hayford reveals the Bible's perspective on sex in part 1 of a 3 part series.