Living the Spirit Formed Life
The ten sessions with Pastor Hayford on this DVD correspond to the ten disciplines taught in depth in the companion handbook of the same name. Explore what it means to...
Regular price $1.00 $1.00
Grounds For Living
With sensitivity, wisdom and insight, Jack Hayford guides the reader through various biblical themes, uncovering truths critical to a steadfast walk with God. Grounds for Living covers doctrines and principles...
Regular price $14.99 $14.99
When the Spirit Comes
This book is part of a Bible study series by Pastor Hayford and his teaching associates at The Church On The Way and is an overview of the Book of...
Regular price $5.99 $5.99
The Greatest Word Ever Spoken
This Bible study is an overview of the book of Hebrews.
The Key To Everything
In "The Key to Everything" Jack Hayford helps us unlock the door to living in the spirit of God's grace. You will be released to give as you have received,...
Regular price $9.99 $9.99
Spirit-Filled Life New Testament Commentary: Romans
These verse-by-verse commentaries emphasize the dynamic role the Holy Spirit has in our lives. General Editors Jack Hayford and David Seemuth selected writers which brought together integrity of evangelical scholarship...
Regular price $16.99 $16.99
A Man's Starting Place
Christ has come not only to save us and to break hell’s powers, but also to undo social injustice at every level. He is set on liberating people so that...
Regular price $7.99 $7.99
Spirit-Filled Life New Testament Commentary Series: John
[Out of Stock] Life-Giving Leadership Study Guide
Learn how to grow more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and how to encourage faith in others. Understand what underpins and guides the spiritual leader commited to...
From Prison to Promise
This Bible study is an overview of the Old Testament from Exodus to Deuteronomy and will help readers grow in understanding of the key concepts found in these important books...
Blessing Your Children Book
In his award-winning book, "Blessing Your Children," Pastor Jack Hayford lovingly shares how we can bless the children in our life with words of encouragement, nurture, and protection. He reveals...
Regular price $12.99 $12.99
How It All Began: An Overview of Genesis
Regular price $7.00 $7.00
A Man's Confidence
A man’s confidence is secured only when his confidence toward God is settled. All other efforts will inevitably prove inadequate. In “A Man’s Confidence,” Pastor Jack teaches on building a...
Blessing Your Children CD Album
We all have the power to plant seeds, not only in our own children, but also in the life of any child God brings into our lives. Discover how to...
Regular price $19.99 $19.99
The Divine Call to Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Recognizing the uniqueness of our gender as we each answer the Father's way for us as responsible individuals; living in a world where so much about true humanity is mistaken,...
Regular price $27.99 $27.99
Time of Refreshing
As our way of saying “thank you” for your generous support of $25 or more this month, we want to send you Pastor Jack’s two, refreshing messages on CD, Time...
Regular price $25.00 $25.00